A New Leadership: SCA Election Results

On Tuesday, May 1st, SCA sponsor Mr. Vereb announced the officers for the 2018-2019 school year.

Here are the officers for the 2018-2019 school year:

-President: Helene Nguyen (Upcoming Senior)

-Vice President: Matthew Chestnut (Upcoming Junior)

-Secretary- Hollie Briones (Upcoming Junior)

-Treasurer: Daniel Ashat (Upcoming Senior)

This year, there was only one contested position: SCA Historian. The race which was neck and neck between upcoming sophomores Theresa Le and Savannah Strope.

Strope is currently the class of 2021 Secretary and believes she will fit the mold as Historian because she knows what to expect.“I believe I am better the choice for Historian because I have a better connection with the other SCA leaders and with the people in the school,” said Strope.

After a long four days, Savannah Strope was deemed the winner. “I feel great about winning; I’m super happy people are giving me an opportunity. I plan on changing the communication base the SCA has right now and making it more accessible for more people, while making it easier for people to understand,” said Strope.

With new officers, we are looking forward to a promising 2018-2019 school year. Full of great success and fun memories.