Students Support Park View Schedule Shift

This year the Park View bell schedule was adjusted forward fifteen minutes to allow students more time to get to school, a change that has so far received a positive reception from the student body. This means that school begins at 9:15 a.m. rather than 9:00 a.m. this year. Some students still arrive at the same time they did last year in the mornings, but others have adjusted well to the time and come to school fifteen minutes later.
Some students have found this helpful, such as junior Muthu Kumar. “Now that it’s fifteen minutes you can do things that are needed to be done before school like talk to your counselor,” said Kumar. Others have found the extra minutes helpful because it allows them to come to school on time. “I used to miss the bus a lot and now I can, it’s easier for me to go catch my bus,” said junior Max Gomez. However, the more time in the morning means less time after school, which lets out after 4:00 p.m. this year. “After school, sports come out later, you have less time to do stuff, and work affects me a lot,” said senior Carlos Jean-Rodriguez.
Students have reported that getting used to a new bell schedule takes time as well. “Everything’s like messed up so I don’t know when the bell’s gonna ring, and I don’t know when to leave class, it’s so confusing because everything’s different this year,” said senior Mariama Diallo. “It’s not bad, but it’s confusing and overwhelming at first,” said sophomore Shane Stowlers.
Overall, the change has been viewed as positive. “It’s not a big time change, but in the morning it really helps,” said Gomez.